Key Takeaways:
Omega-3s are essential fats. Our bodies cannot produce omega-3 fatty acids, and they must be obtained through diet.
Not all omega-3 supplements contain the same type of fatty acid. Most people get enough ALA through food but not EPA or DHA. Look for supplements containing EPA and DHA omega-3s.
The bioavailability of omega-3s can vary depending on their formulation. Choose a supplement that contains EPA-DHA omega-3 fatty acids in a highly bioavailable form, which are more easily absorbed by the body.
Choose a supplement that has undergone human clinical trials and third-party testing.
Related Product:
Matter: Brain health supplement developed in partnership with the University of Oxford. Matter contains an advanced formulation of EPA and DHA that is 4x more easily absorbed than standard fish oils and a micronutrient complex clinically proven to slow brain atrophy associated with mild memory concerns. Matter is third-party tested and NSF Certified for Sport.
Omega-3s are extremely important for health: they are necessary for functions from muscle activity to cell growth. They also happen to be one of the two essential fatty acids that aren’t made by the body, and so must be derived from diet.
In fact, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the American Heart Association recommend regularly eating 2 servings of fish each week in order to meet the 250mg/day recommendation for these fatty acids. But what are your options if you just don’t get around to doing that?
US News and World Report says that “fish oil supplements may be an option worth considering.” That leaves us with the task of how to choose which supplement is best.
Here’s how to go about choosing a quality omega-3:
Ingredients: Not all omega-3s contain the same type of fatty acid. While alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is more prevalent in nature, it acts as a precursor to eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) fatty acids, and the conversion process is not especially efficient. Look for supplements that contain the biologically active EPA-DHA omega-3 free fatty acids, which are more easily absorbed by the body.
Clinical trials: A verifiable human clinical trial, ideally performed at a reputable or recognized institution, will demonstrate that the supplement does what it’s supposed to do and has sufficient efficacy or bioavailability.
Third-party testing: Any supplement worth its salt will be third-party tested.
How does Matter check off the boxes of a superior omega-3?
Matter contains the highest-load omega-3 powder in its class with 50% eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) as a free fatty acid by weight, and is 4x more easily absorbed than standard fish oils. Matter is also rigorously third-party tested by independent labs during and after manufacturing; in fact, you can verify the results of your batch of Matter on our website. Matter was developed in partnership with the University of Oxford.

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