Yes. You may withdraw from a study at any time. If you decide to leave the study before it’s complete, you may not enjoy certain benefits. These may include incomplete access to your Index insights and how your results compare to the rest of the Index community. When we use or share your responses for research purposes, we will de-identify such data by, for example, assigning a random ID, so that they cannot be linked to you personally. We may also use or share the aggregated version of your responses for research purposes. “Aggregate Information” means information that relates to a group of people, from which your personal identity has been removed, that is not linked to you. Please keep in mind that your withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of our collection, use, processing, and disclosure of your data based on consent before your withdrawal (e.g., the information you provided and your survey responses will not be removed from the ongoing or completed TIME-A studies, which started before we receive your request to withdraw). The data, information, and responses that we previously collected or that you have previously provided and for which you have given consent to use in our research cannot be removed from ongoing or completed TIME-A studies that use them.