Clinical Trials


The Translational Initiative to Map Epigenetics in Sleep (TIME-ZZZ) is a longitudinal, prospective research study that aims to advance our understanding of the interplay between sleep, mental health, and biological aging. All Index users are eligible to enroll. The study can be found on under the identifier NCT06333301.


Initiated at Haukeland University Hospital, this human clinical trial is evaluating the efficacy of NAD replenishment therapy with NR in delaying disability progression and amelioration of symptoms in patients with atypical parkinsonian syndromes. The estimated study completion date is December 2028. Identifier: NCT06162013

Progressive MS

Initiated at Haukeland University Hospital, this human clinical trial is evaluating the safety and efficacy of NR on slowing disability progression in patients with progressive multiple sclerosis. The estimated study completion date is December 2027. Identifier: NCT05740722


Initiated at Odense University Hospital, this human clinical trial is evaluating the effect of NR-E or senolytics on bone resorption and formation markers in osteoporosis. The estimated study completion date is December 2025. Identifier: NCT06018467

Age-Related Frailty

Initiated at Mayo Clinic, the human clinical trial will evaluate whether Elysium’s proprietary nicotinamide riboside (NR-E) can augment bone, skeletal muscle, and metabolic functions and structure in aging. The estimated primary study completion date is December 2024. Identifier: NCT03818802


The Translational Initiative to Map Epigenetics in Aging (TIME-A) is a longitudinal, prospective research study that aims to advance our understanding of the connections between epigenetics, lifestyle, demographics, and health and aging. All Index users are eligible to enrollThe study can be found on under the identifier NCT05760547.

Slow Age

Initiated at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, this human clinical trial evaluated the effects of nicotinamide riboside (NR-E), aerobic exercise, or time-restricted feeding on markers of aging. The study is complete and pending publication. Identifier: NCT05593939

Brain Vascular Health

Initiated at the University of Oklahoma, this human clinical trial is evaluating the efficacy of NR-E on supporting brain vascular health and memory in aging. The estimated primary study completion date is June 2027. Identifier: NCT05483465

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFL)

This six-month human clinical trial showed that Basis, at the recommended dose, reduced several markers of liver inflammation in healthy adults with fatty liver. The results, published in Hepatology, also further confirmed that Basis is safe and well tolerated and supports liver function in healthy individuals. Publication here. Identifier: NCT03513523

Muscle Injury and Repair

Initiated in partnership with researchers at Aarhus University in Denmark, this study demonstrated that a combination of nicotinamide riboside and pterostilbene (NRPT) was well tolerated but did not improve recruitment of muscle stem cells after muscle injury in older adults. Muscle soreness, however, tended to be lower in the treatment group. Publication here. Identifier: NCT03754842

Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) Phase I

Completed and published in BMC Nephrology, the Phase I human clinical trial, conducted in partnership with Massachusetts General Hospital, enabled the FDA approval of an Investigational New Drug application for Basis and the AKI Phase II trial. Publication Identifier: NCT03176628

Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) Phase II

Initiated at Mayo Clinic, this human clinical trial is evaluating the efficacy of Basis for the prevention of AKI in surgical cardiac patients. This study is complete and pending publication. Identifier: NCT04342975

Repeat Dose Basis

Elysium’s first human clinical trial showed that a daily dose of Basis safely and sustainably increases NAD+ levels by an average of 40% from baseline–by middle age, our NAD+ levels decline by approximately 50%. The study was published in Nature Partner Journals: Aging and Mechanisms of Disease. Publication here. Identifier: NCT02678611

Menopausal Syndromes

Working in partnership with the University of South Alabama, this pilot study evaluated the effects of Basis supplementation on menopausal syndromes. The study is complete and expected to publish in 2025. Identifier: NCT04841499

EH301 for ALS

Working in collaboration with the Spanish Foundation for ALS Research (FUNDELA), the results of this pilot study showed evidence the experimental therapeutic EH301 can be used in treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Publication here. Identifier: NCT03489200

NO-ALS (EH301)

Initiated with partners at Haukeland University Hospital and funded by a grant from the Norwegian government, this human clinical trial is evaluating the efficacy of the experimental therapeutic EH301 for the potential treatment of ALS. We expect the study to be completed by the end of 2025. Identifier: NCT04562831


Initiated at the University of Copenhagen and funded by a grant from the Danish government, this clinical trial evaluated the effect of Elysium’s proprietary nicotinamide riboside (NR-E) on clinical outcomes in elderly patients with COPD. The study results, which are in pre-print, showed that NR-E supplementation supported a healthy inflammation response in the lungs. Identifier: NCT04990869